Thursday, July 31, 2014

For My Papa Lee

My Mom has this shirt of Papa Lee's that he used to wear all the time. In fact, he liked it so much he had about 5 of the same shirt! My Mom thought it would look like Papa was holding me...because we know he wishes that he could!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

4th of July

We spent 4th of July at the cabin! Starbuck has a whole weekend of fun things to do! Mommy was so excited to go because in the past she has always worked during the 4th!
No Mya or Mason though...
Saturday morning was the annual Bike Safety day put on by the Starbuck police dept. Grandma Debbie always helps run it! It was the first time Leah was able to participate. She rocked the bike course and passed! All the kids have hotdogs and cookies at the VFW afterwards!
Then there is the raffle. The big prizes are bikes! Of course my sister won a new bike! A few years ago Mason won the's a tradition for one of us to win!
Look at me holding a glow stick!
Posing in our 4th of July shirts-Leah made her this summer at a special Kindergarten camp!
We also went to the "Fly In" pancake breakfast at the Starbuck airport! We ate outside with Great Grandma Celery, Uncle Kurt and Jean, Uncle Kent and Grandma Debbie. Leah and Mommy had fun catching their pancakes off the griddle!
Watching planes come in!
Leah loves our Grandma Celery!
We got Grandma and Papa all to ourselves!