Saturday, May 31, 2014

Family Friends

Mom's girlfriends came over to meet me! Paula, Lisa, and Rhea!
They will spoil me rotten!
My girlfriend, Ava May Elhard, was born 5 days after me-we've been informed there has already been a marriage arranged! Love at first sight I guess?

Friday, May 30, 2014

Super Baby Strength!

I am the strongest baby alive!!!
 Holding my head up...
 Still holding!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Family Picnic

We met the Lees and Gaga for a dinner picnic in Bloomington at Hyland Park's Chutes and Ladder
Auntie Becca!
Uncle Dusty couldn't make it but his doppelganger did! 
Gaga needed a new picture with her 4 grandkids!
I heard Gaga has a soft spot for her boys!

Friday, May 23, 2014

My First Outing!

Even though I am only a week old, we thought I was ready to visit my family's favorite places near our home. Excelsior beach and Spasso's for dinner. (Leah is playing in the sand)

We had a wonderful dinner outside on the patio-just the four of us. An anonymous table sent over an ice cream dessert to toast the new addition...ME! It was so thoughtful that my parents vowed to remember to pay this forward to a young family in the future! It was a perfect family evening!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

I Had A Photo Shoot

Mommy works with a police officer whose wife is a very talented photographer. She loves doing newborn pictures-so Mommy had this scheduled way before I was born! I was 6 days old and rocked my photo shoot!
I slept through the whole thing! Jolene, the photographer, just posed me and took pictures.
Leah was really great and didn't try to steal my thunder at all! She's a great big sister!

Monday, May 19, 2014


After 2 nights at Fairview Southdale hospital we were ready to get home! Sunday evening we were all finally together! Leah had spent Friday night with Gaga and Saturday night with Grandma Debbie and Papa Rob.
My sister was so excited to help me drink milk-my Mom made her a little bottle to see if I would take it. It was just as delicious coming out of a bottle!
She is very patient and gentle with me!
I'm a happy go lucky little dude!

Friday, May 16, 2014

What a Perfect Start!

This is my family-I have a big sister that USED to blog all the time! All about her-blah blah blah!
(Last picture of my family before I arrived on May 16th)
Now that I'm here I have taken over her blog and made it all about ME!
I'm Nicholas Alan. My parents were almost 99% sure I was going to be a girl because TWICE someone at a doctor's appointment said "she" when talking about me. (They were annoyed because they wanted it to be a surprise.) They were so thrilled when Dr. Larson showed me to Daddy and he told Mommy, "IT'S A BOY!!"